Ai Powered marketing tools

13+ Best AI Marketing Tools That Can Increase Return-On-Ad-Spend in 2024

With the rise of AI, marketers are now able to automate their campaigns using these tools. Some companies are already using AI marketing tools to boost ROI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic in recent years. The term refers to computer systems that usually form tasks reserved for humans. These tasks include speech recognition, image, natural language, machine learning, and other technologies.

With the rise of AI, marketers can automate their campaigns using these tools. Some companies are already using AI to improve customer experience and boost ROI. An example of such a tool is AI writing software.

AI-powered marketing software learns from historical ad data and trends to automatically generate optimized ad copy. With advancements in Creative Artificial Intelligence (AI), many marketing products have emerged that allow marketers to create new and innovative ads.

These AI automated marketing tools target the correct audience and encourage them to interact with the ad. They execute smarter and better personalized ad campaigns to maximize their organic traffic.

Here are some AI-powered marketing tools that every marketer should start utilizing today.

What are AI Marketing Tools?

Ai Marketing Tools are programs or applications that use artificial intelligence technology to help you reach your business goals.

There is no doubt that AI will revolutionize how we do things in the future. It’s also true that it’s not just about computers doing all the work. Humans still play an important role in creating AI.

Top AI Marketing Tools to Boost ROAS

1. ad powered creatives is an AI advertising platform that can automatically create beautiful ads at scale. It has a powerful machine learning algorithm that is trained on thousands upon thousands of high-performing ad campaigns and is continually improving.

The trained model understands the mechanics of designing a high-converting ad creative. It decides the position of each ad asset within an ad. The ad creative generated by the AI strategically places the product image, company logo, and ad copy text to maximize the conversion rates.

It also optimizes the design for mobile devices and social platforms like Facebook and Instagram.’s advertisement platform can create hundreds of variations of an ad within seconds. It allows advertisers to save time and run successful ad campaigns quickly, increasing the business ROI.

The platform is a cloud-based solution that automates the entire process from creating ads to running them on any website or mobile app. The platform automatically uses machine learning algorithms to generate thousands of variations for each ad campaign.

The platform is compatible with all major ad networks including Google, Facebook, Amazon, and AppNexus.

2. AdRoll

Adroll website

AdRoll is a leading digital advertising platform for publishers, advertisers, and agencies. It offers various features such as real-time bidding, programmatic display ads, video optimization, and retargeting. AdRoll also provides its customers access to more than 50 million users on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Google.

The company’s proprietary technology allows it to identify which audiences are most likely to convert into paying customers. Using this information, they can then target those audiences with relevant ads.

The platform uses machine learning algorithms to learn about your brand and what works best for you. For example, if you sell shoes, it will know that people who wear sneakers tend to be younger males. Based on this knowledge, it will show you ads for men’s sneakers or women’s sneakers.

This personalized approach increases engagement rates and conversions because of personalized experiences for audiences.


addyouneed website

ADYOUNEED is an AI-powered end-to-end ad management tool that can smartly create, test, and deploy ad creatives across multiple platforms.

Using advanced machine learning techniques, ADYOUNEED analyzes millions of data points to create the optimal ad creative for a given user. This includes analyzing the user’s behavior, demographics, interests, location, and other factors.

Based on these insights, ADYOUNEED generates different versions of an ad to ensure maximum performance.

For example, if a user clicks on a particular ad, ADYOUNEED will analyze how many times he clicks on that ad before buying anything. If the number is low, it will suggest an alternative version of the same ad that could have worked better.

ADYOUNEED’s intelligent ad creation engine can optimize every aspect of an ad, including the size, colour, placement, and format. It can also determine whether the ad should appear in the top or bottom half of the page and even precisely in the middle.

ADYOUNEED’s automated testing capabilities allow marketers to test their ads without spending hours manually trying each variation. Its sophisticated optimization tools, ADYOUNEED, help brands increase their return on investment (ROI) and improve customer experience.

With ADYOUNEED’s complete advertising platform, full-stack marketers can easily leverage it. Startups, eCommerce brands, or enterprises can benefit from these automated optimizations and data-driven insights.

4. Albert

Albert self learning digital marketing

Albert autonomously optimizes ad campaigns and aligns their outcome with business goals. Albert has been used by marketing teams in Fortune 500 companies and startups to get more out of their marketing budgets.

With Albert, you can run cross-channel marketing campaigns for all major platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Albert allows you to improve marketing performance using data.

Albert’s AI uses actionable insights to target relevant audiences and turn them into potential customers. The AI is smart and capable of performing trial runs, predicting campaign analytics, optimizing keywords and ad creatives for advertisers, allocating ad budgets, and placing bids, giving marketers more creative freedom.

5. Phrasee

phrasee optimized brand language

Phrasee is a SaaS platform for creating real-time brand-optimized marketing content. With natural language generation (NLG), it’s possible to write better subject lines and more natural-sounding variations of ads. Each customer’s brand needs are different. Therefore, if you need to fine-tune your NLG model for each customer, Phrasee can help you achieve this.

It uses Deep Learning to analyze your target historical customer and market data to improve the language generation model. It can test AI-generated language against human-written brand content, surpassing human writers most of the time.

The platform also provides various features such as automatic email templates, autoresponders, automated A/B tests, and much more.

E-commerce giants like eBay have reported a 42% increase in click rates after using Phrasee’s AI-powered brand language optimization technology.

6. Persado

Generate language to motivate individuals to engage with Persado

Persado is an AI language generation tool that lets you create beautiful emails, landing pages, social media posts, product descriptions, blog posts, and more. Persado’s AI automatically generates high-quality text based on your brand voice and style guide.

You can use Persado to generate hundreds of thousands of unique daily texts. It uses machine learning and deep learning technologies to learn what makes your brand unique and generate new content that fits perfectly within your brand guidelines.

Persado’s AI-generated texts are written in plain English and follow your brand’s tone, voice, and style. You can even choose between the “Auto” mode, which creates random texts, and the “Human” mode, which produces texts similar to those written by humans.

The platform also includes other useful features such as creating multiple versions of one template, adding images or videos to your content, and inserting links from any website.

Persado is a leading AI content generation platform for marketers. It helps companies increase their revenues by increasing the number of leads they generate from their websites.

The AI analyzes human-written content and builds a language model based on it. The state-of-the-art NLG (natural language generation) model then generates optimized content that appeals to human emotions, describes the offer accurately, and adds appropriate call-actions.

7. Pencil

Pencil creating winning ad creatives

If your marketing brain has run out of ideas, Pencil can quickly generate new advertising ideas using its AI framework. It generates ad creatives optimized to sell ecommerce businesses.

This AI-driven concept generator works with any business, including eCommerce, B2C, and B2B. Its AI engine analyses your company’s products and services and generates concepts matching your business goals and objectives.

These generated concepts are presented to you in a simple format so that you can quickly review them and decide whether or not to pursue them. If you want to go ahead with these concepts, you can simply select the ones you like best and get started immediately.

7. ToutApp

toutapp for your sales team

ToutApp is a powerful AI chatbot app that allows you to build conversational bots to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending messages, scheduling meetings, and performing various administrative functions. You can use ToutApp for sales email tracking, storing templates, and analytics of your sales performance.

It comes with a built-in AI assistant that will help you manage all your conversations. This AI assistant learns how to talk to you over time and becomes smarter daily.

It works across platforms like Facebook Messenger, Slack, Kik, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Google Hangouts, Line, WeChat, and many others.

8. Chatfuel

chatfuel website

ChatFuel can turn any web page into a live chat widget. You must paste the code snippet provided by ChatFuel onto your site and start chatting immediately. Chatfuel works best for sales automation and customer support.

Chatfuel offers a free plan that gives you access to 100MB of storage space and up to 10,000 chats per month. For $19.99 per month, you’ll receive unlimited storage space and 50,000 chats per month, plus advanced analytics and reporting tools.

9. Talkwalker

talkwalker consumer intelligence

TalkWalker is an AI-powered tool that monitors social media accounts for mentions of your brand and keywords related to your industry. Social listening helps accelerate the customer experience for your brand.

Once TalkWalker detects relevant mentions, it sends you notifications about them via email, SMS, or Twitter DM.

10. Botkit

bokit buildting blocks for building bots

Botkit is a cloud-based bot development platform that makes it easy to develop your intelligent chatbots.

Botkit provides everything you need to build a chatbot: a ready-to-use SDK, prebuilt templates, and an intuitive UI builder. You need to add some custom logic to make your bot work precisely as you want.

11. Jasper

Jasper writing assitant is a smart AI writer who can write high-quality content for websites, blogs, and social media platforms. The AI is trained to write creative, original, and optimized content.

With Jasper, the writer’s block is extinct. It can write content in 25+ languages. It inputs relevant keywords and brand information to generate content based on the AIDA framework (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).

Jasper’s ai model writes long-form content like blogs, ebooks, infographics, etc. It also generates short-form content like press releases, case studies, reviews, etc.

12. Pattern89

pattern89 for creative decisions

Pattern89 uses AI to predict marketing performance and provide real-time insights to improve ROI. With their AI platform, marketers can easily identify which channels are working best and where they should focus their efforts.

The company uses machine learning algorithms to analyze data from multiple sources, including social media, and search engines.

The AI engine analyzes billions of data points every day and predicts whether a campaign will be successful or not. Once the analysis is done you can optimize your campaign for success.

Why you should use Ai Powered Marketing

Get more promising leads by optimizing your landing pages

They allow you to capture leads faster and convert them into paying customers. However, creating one manually can be time-consuming.

Using AI-enabled marketing tools, you can create highly targeted landing pages that get results.

Landing page optimization is one of the essential parts of any digital marketing campaign. However, it’s not easy to optimize a landing page manually.

By optimizing your website content, AI-powered marketing tools can help you get more leads. These AI-based tools will analyze your landing pages, identify the best performing keywords and phrases, and then suggest new content based on those findings.

Create personalized emails

Email marketing is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. However, creating personalized email messages can be time-consuming and tedious.

You can easily create personalized emails using AI-powered marketing tools without writing a single word. You can set up templates and let the tool do all the work.

Improve user engagement

Engagement plays a critical role in increasing conversions. It helps users stay engaged with your brand.

You can use AI-powered marketing tools like AdRoll to increase user engagement through remarketing. Remarketing allows you to show relevant ads to people who visited your site recently.

Boost social media shares

Social media sharing is another great way to drive traffic to your website. But it takes a lot of hard work to ensure each post gets shared.

AI-powered tools can help you share posts quickly and efficiently. For example, they can suggest which hashtags to add to your post and which networks to target.

Optimize mobile apps

Mobile app advertising is becoming increasingly popular. And with the rise of smartphones, mobile apps play a more significant role than ever before.

But developing a mobile app isn’t as simple as it sounds. It requires extensive testing and planning.

With AI-powered marketing tools such as Apptimize, you can test different app versions and find out what works best for your customers.

Build more profitable websites

Website design is also an essential aspect of any digital marketing strategy.

However, it isn’t easy to develop creative ideas when designing a website yourself. Using AI-powered marketing tools can help you build better websites.

Generate high-quality content

Content creation is an integral part of any online marketing strategy. But writing engaging blog posts and articles can take hours or days.

If you want to generate high-quality content quickly, using AI-powered marketing tools is the perfect solution.

Employ chatbots to improve customer service

Chatbots have become extremely popular over the past few years. They allow businesses to automate their interactions with their customers.

For example, if someone has a question about a product, they can simply type “help me buy this?” into a chatbot. The bot will respond with answers to common questions.

Pinpoint conceivable problems

When it comes to running a business, there are always going to be challenges along the way.

Using AI-driven marketing tools, you can use machine learning to analyze data from your website and identify potential issues.

Find new audiences

You don’t need to limit your audience to just existing customers. With AI-powered marketing tools, you can reach new audiences by targeting people based on their interests.

Leverage Ai Marketing to Boost your ROAS!

The most successful companies leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance their marketing efforts. AI-powered marketing tools allow marketers to automate repetitive tasks, save time, and increase productivity.

Whether you’re looking to optimize your website, create more effective email campaigns, or develop a more efficient CRM system, AI-powered marketing tools are here to help.

Today’s technology makes it possible to automate many aspects of marketing. However, not all tools are created equal. We hope this list of tools will help you make the right choice. For more on Ai, check out this post about ai writing software you can use to speed up your content creation process.

Find what you need to grow better

See More on Ai Writing Software

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Nonofo Joel

Passionate blogger with expertise in Branding, Website Design, Content Marketing and SEO. Engaging content, unique perspective, and over a decade of experience. Join me on Global Tech Stack for captivating insights, reviews and inspiration.

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